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  • 期刊名称:《中国法律》


  林 妙(中国人民银行江门市中心支行)












  在储蓄合同法律关系中,发卡行负有妥善保管客户账户资金、按照储户需求办理存取款及挂失、为客户保密等义务,储户负有妥善保管存折、储蓄卡及其密码等义务。不法分子“克隆”银行卡导致储户卡内资金被盗,发卡行是否应当承担违约责任?判断违约责任是否成立,以及损害后果如何分配的一个核心问题是违约损害赔偿的归责原则。所谓归责原则,是指基于一定的事由而确立违约责任成立的法律原则,它是确定行为人的违约责任的根据和准绳。学界对合同违约责任的归责原则有三种判断标准 :过错责任、过错推定和严格责任。

  笔者认为,发卡行对于储户卡内资金被盗应承担严格责任。根据我国《合同法》第一百零七条规定的 :“当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定的,应当承担继续履行、采取补救措施或者赔偿损失等违约责任。”可见,我国《合同法》在违约责任归责原则上采取了严格责任原则,即除非存在法定免责事由,违约方不论在主观上是否有过错,均应对其违约行为承担违约责任。在严格责任原则之下,违约责任以不履行或者不适当履行合同为构成要件,违约方主观上有无过错,与违约责任无关。合同法分则同时规定对受害方(储户)存在过错的,可以根据其过错大小相应地减轻违约方的责任。在储蓄合同中,银行应该承担向储户提供达到足够安全的交易系统,即银行应保证其服务场所,系统设备的安全使用,足以保障储户信息、密码等信息数据的安全,在储户的信息、密码等信息数据被窃取之后,银行也要能够采取足够的措施保障储户资金安全,谨慎地审核取款人身份。因银行卡未履行信息的安全保障义务和身份审核义务,而造成储户的银行卡资金被犯罪分子盗刷,银行应当对此承担责任,除非存在法定的免责事由,或者银行能够证明储户存在过错。严格责任符合违约责任的本质,因为违约责任在本质上是由合同义务转化而来的,是当事人之间的约定。在一方不履行合同时追究其违约责任,是执行当事人的意愿和约定。基于储蓄合同关系,发卡行的每一次合法付款行为均部分消灭了其对储户的付款债务。而“克隆”卡纠纷恰恰是因为发卡行向“克隆”卡持有人而非真正的储户付款引起的。“克隆”卡持有人冒充储户的身份,持伪造的银行卡及密码从银行处支取卡内存款及利息,具有债权占有人的虚假表像,在债权法上被称为“债权的准占有人”。银行向“克隆”卡持有人支付存款的行为,是对债权准占有人的给付,无论该给付是否存在主观过错,其对储户而言是一种无效给付,发卡行对储户的债务依然存在,发卡行必须应储户的要求向储户还本付息,银行的损失通过追究“克隆”卡持有人的侵权责任来弥补。当然,储户应该尽到妥善保管好银行卡及密码的义务,如果储户没有尽到相应注意义务的过错行为与银行的财产损失之间存在相当程度上的因果关系,可以基于过错相抵原则相应减免银行的还款责任。



  在“克隆”银行卡案件中,储户和发卡行之间举证责任的分配可以从以下两方面进行具体分析 :


  2.银行卡真伪的举证责任分配。在“克隆”银行卡案件中,储户只要有证据证明存款被他人支取时自己持有银行卡就已经尽到了举证责任。银行要反驳,必须证明储户持有的银行卡系伪造卡,否则应当就储户被盗取的款项承担违约责任。银行的ATM和柜台计算机系统对银行卡应有识别能力,如果伪卡能够通过银行的计算机系统而交易,可能的解释有两种 :一是银行卡技术含量太低,容易被别人伪造 ;二是发卡行的计算机系统存在重大缺陷。发卡行对自己签发的如此重要的物品竟然没有能力鉴别其真伪,这无论在法律上还是情理上都是讲不通的。而且ATM和计算机系统无法识别银行卡真伪,以致于向持伪卡的不法分子付款,此时,作为储蓄合同凭证的真银行卡没有用于交易,这是不法分子利用伪卡欺骗商业银行,故不能视作银行与原告成就一笔交易。发卡行因并未履行还款义务而需要承担相应的损失。由于在银行业务中事务数据更多地储存在银行,交易过程的记录基本上由银行制作掌握,银行在交易中处于绝对优势地位,特别是在证据距离的远近上,银行通常更接近于证据,对于待证事实的举证条件和举证能力往往更高。因此,法官在案件审理过程中,受弱者保护的自由心证影响,可能会运用自由裁量权将主要的举证责任分配给银行一方。







  再次,银行应当建立完善的制度体系来预防和减轻风险,譬如 :建立健全和完善ATM交易风险准备金及银行责任保险等制度来可以分散风险、 减少损失。风险准备金制度是银行财务工作中为增强银行抵御经营风险的能力而设置的一种手段。 为增强银行抵御ATM业务风险的能力,保障ATM业务经营的持续性,银行应根据业务特点和财务制度的规定,提取和使用ATM风险准备金;此外,银行责任保险是补偿银行损失、转移风险的另一个重要途径,ATM业务存在一定的风险不可避免,责任保险可以有效化解和转移风险。

  最后,银行应当加强技术力量,积极推广和使用金融IC卡。金融IC卡是以芯片作为介质的银行卡,将信息全部储存在加密的芯片中,这种卡较少地依赖通讯网络而脱机处理业务,大大提高了银行卡在使用过程中的安全性能,且具有储存功能,被译码和复制的可能性很小。金融IC卡从根本上提高银行卡的安全性。世界各地的实践经验表明,在推广使用金融 IC卡后,“克隆”银行卡案件大幅下降。

  On Civil Liability in Cloned Bank Card Cases

  By Zhang Yixia (Jiangmen Center Branch of People's Bank of China)

  Lin Miao (Jiangmen Center Branch of People's Bank of China)

  In recent years, with the rapid development of bank card business, the cases of criminals cloning bank card to steal depositors' funds occur frequently. Criminals usually steal depositors' bank card number and password by installing theft device on ATMs and then counterfeit the bank cards to acquire the fund in the bank card through cash withdrawal, transfer or consumption. Since in practice the bank cards that are “cloned” are mainly debit cards, this article attempts to make a detailed analysis of the legal liability of the parties concerned in the circumstances of debit cards being cloned, and to further explore how banks should guard against such risks.

  Ⅰ. The legal relationship between the parties to the bank card

  1.The issuing bank and the depositor

  The legal relationship of debit card is mainly the civil legal relationship between the issuing bank and the depositor. Unlike credit card which requires repayment after overdraft, before withdrawing cash or paying by debit card, debit card depositors must deposit money first, which is the same with the general savings. Therefore, the relationship between the issuing bank and the depositor is savings contractual relationship. Savings contract is not listed in the contracts regulated in the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, so it is a kind of unnamed contracts. As to the nature of the savings contract, there are two theories in academia: custody contract theory and loan contract theory. The former does not comply with the basic principles of contract law. According to the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, custody contract transfers the possession right of the subject matter, but does not transfer ownership, so the custodian must return the original subject matter; while the subject matter of savings contract is a kind of genus. As to genus, except otherwise agreed by the provisions, once one gets the possession of it, one gets its ownership, so the bank simply needs to return the depositor the same type and amount of money, rather than return the original. In other words, monetary possession and ownership are inseparable. In addition, the custodian to the custody contract shall not use the deposit, while the deposit the bank absorbs is the basic tool of its business. Loan contract theory holds that after the depositor deposits money in the bank, the ownership of the money then is transferred to the bank, so the depositor has the creditor's rights to the bank. Bank savings card is essentially a certificate of creditor's rights issued by the bank for the depositor. The savings amount (balance) recorded in the savings card is merely the record of repayment or loan, while the amount of money is actually in the control and possession of the bank. Therefore, the bank has the ownership of the amount of money recorded in the savings card, while the depositor only has the creditor's rights. Since the legal relationship of debit cards is the relationship of savings contract, when criminals steal money from the bank account through “cloning” bank card, the illegal action infringes upon the property rights of the bank. So the bank has the right to require the tortfeasor to bear tort liability for damages, while the savings contractual relationship between the bank and depositor is not affected. In principle, the depositor is still entitled to exercise his creditor's rights to require the bank to pay the principal and interest based on the provisions of the savings contract.

  2. Depositors and authorized merchants

  When a depositor is doing shopping or receiving services, there is only a general merchandise sales contract relationship between him and the authorized merchant, which is the basis of the bank card transactions, but it is also independent of the bank card transaction relationship. The disputes concerning product quality and service quality based on the contractual relationship between the depositor and the authorized merchant can't be taken as a defense of refusing to pay the money owed to banks.

  3. Issuing banks and authorized merchants

  There is an agency relationship between issuing banks and authorized merchants, with the banks as the entrusted party and merchants the entrusting party. The banks engage in the transaction settlement with depositors for the authorized merchants based on the agency agreement signed by the banks and the authorized merchants.

  4. Debit card issuing banks and teller banks at different places

  In addition to debit card issuing banks, deposit withdrawing banks at different places are often involved in practice. With the rapid development of information technology and the Internet, more and more banks have joined China Union Pay, so that most of bank cards can not only have withdrawal transaction in the same banks at different places, but in different banks. As a result, the teller bank may be different from the debit card issuing bank. From the perspective of agency system, the teller bank at a different place is merely the agent of the issuing bank to fulfill the repayment obligation for the issuing bank, so the principal bank shall undertake legal liability. Therefore, the parties to the lawsuit are still the depositor and the issuing bank, while the teller bank at a different place is merely a third party without independent claim right.

  Ⅱ.The doctrine of liability fixation

  In a legal relationship of savings contract, the issuing bank undertakes the responsibilities of taking good care of the bank account of the depositor, handling deposit and withdrawal transaction as well as loss reporting and client confidentiality, etc. Should the issuing bank undertake the liability for breach of contract when criminals clone bank cards which results in the fund in the depositor's bank card being stolen? The core issue in deciding whether it is breach of contract and how to allocate the consequences of the damage is the doctrine of liability fixation in paying damages for breach of contract. The so-called doctrine of liability fixation is the legal principle that can establish liability for breach of contract based on certain grounds, which is the basis and yardstick for determining the perpetrator's liability for breach of contract. There are three criteria for the doctrine of liability fixation for breach of contract in academia: fault liability, the presumption of fault and strict liability.

  The author believes that the issuing bank should undertake strict liability for depositors' funds being stolen. Article 107 of Contract Law of People's Republic of China provides: “If a party fails to perform its obligations under a contract, or rendered non-conforming performance, it shall bear the liabilities for breach of contract by specific performance, cure of non-conforming performance or payment of damages, etc.”

  This shows that the principle of strict liability is adopted in terms of the doctrine of liability fixation for breach of contract in Contract Law of People's Republic of China, that is, unless there are statutory exemptions, the defaulting party shall be held liable for breach of contract regardless of whether there is subjective fault. Under the principle of strict liability, the constituent elements of liability for breach of contract are non-performance or improper performance of the contract. Whether the defaulting party has subjective fault or not has nothing to do with the liability for breach of contract. The Specific Provisions of Contract Law provide that where the injured party (depositor) is liable for breach of contract too, the liability of the defaulting party may be reduced accordingly. In a savings contract, the bank should undertake to provide depositors with adequate secure transaction system, that is, the bank should ensure that the system and equipment in its service establishments are secure enough to guarantee the security of the data such as identity information of depositors and password. When the information is stolen, the bank should take sufficient measures to guarantee depositors' fund security, and cautiously check the identity information of the person who withdraws money. If the bank fails to fulfill the duty of security guarantee and depositor identity, which results in the bank card fund being stolen by criminals, the bank should be held liable for this, except that there are statutory exemptions, or the bank can prove that the depositors have fault. Strict liability is in line with the nature of the liability for breach of contract, because the liability for breach of contract, in essence, is transformed from contractual obligations agreed upon by the parties. When one party does not fulfill the contract, to hold him liable for breach of contract is to fulfill the will and agreement of the parties. Based on a savings contractual relationship, every legitimate payment of the issuing bank partly eliminates its payment duty to depositors. The cloned bank card disputes are precisely caused by the issuing bank making payment to the holders of “cloned” bank cards rather than genuine depositors. The holders of “cloned” bank cards pass themselves off as the depositors to withdraw deposit and interest from the bank with forged bank cards and passwords. The holders of “cloned” bank cards pretend to the possessor of creditor's rights, which is called quasi-possessor of creditor's rights in law of obligations. The payment that is made by the bank to the holders of “cloned” bank cards is the one made to quasi-possessors of creditor's rights, so no matter there is subjective fault or not in the payment, it is an invalid payment to the depositors and the issuing bank still has to pay the debt to the depositors by paying principal and interest to the depositors as is required by them. The loss of the bank can be compensated by asking the holders of “cloned” bank cards to be liable for the tort. Of course, depositors should fulfill the duty of taking good care of the bank card and password. If depositors' failure to fulfill the duty of care leads to the corresponding property damage of the bank to a large extent, the bank's repayment obligations may be reduced accordingly based on the principle of contributory negligence.

  Ⅲ. Allocation of the burden of proof

  The burden of proof means one party to the litigation shall fulfill the duty of presenting evidence and proving the fact with the evidence. In civil proceedings, the principle “he who asserts must prove” is the general principle of allocating the burden of proof. The parties have the responsibility to provide evidence for their claims. Reversing the burden of proof is an exception to this principle. It refers to a system of burden of proof allocation, according to which in some special cases, to ensure equality of the parties in the proceedings and fairness of the trial, based on the law, the party that makes a claim doesn't bear the burden of proof about some fact, but the defendant should prove there is no breach of contract or tort on his part, or there is no causal relationship between his behavior and the plaintiff's loss and damage. If the defendant can't present evidence to prove this, it is presumed that the plaintiff's claim is established.

  In the cloned bank card case, the allocation of burden of proof between the issuing bank and depositors can be analyzed from the following two aspects:

  1. the allocation of burden of proof of the leakage of passwords. After the password is set by the depositor, it will be encrypted by the system and transmitted to the background database, so it has the characteristics of privacy, uniqueness and secrecy. In the standardized electronic banking automated teller system, the password is both invisible on the operator's computer and undetectable in the center computer room of the bank. Password is used to indicate the identity of the customer and confirm the content of the transaction, which plays the role of a digital signature. Therefore, the rule of password use is “personal behavior principle”, that is, the depositor assumes the obligation of keeping the password confidential and safe. In the case of cloned bank card, the depositor should prove that he has fulfilled the obligation of keeping the password confidential and safe, and has no fault in the leakage of the password. However, the premise of the application of the principle is that the existing technology can ensure the safe use of passwords. Criminals can steal the bank card account number and password by installing a card reader on swipe machine at the entrance of self-service banking outlets or installing a camera on ATMs, which greatly undermines the privacy and security of bank card transactions. Currently, cryptographic techniques are still in the preliminary stage, so when security can't be sufficiently guaranteed, “personal behavior principle” in the use of password should be applied restrictively. The judge may allocate the burden of proof based on specific circumstances of the case, instead of mechanically applying “personal behavior principle” in the use of password and requiring the depositor to bear the burden of proof in the leakage of password. However, if the depositor fails to fulfill a reasonable duty of care in keeping the password confidential, such as writing the password on the back of the credit card, or exposing the password to others freely, then the depositor shall bear the loss accordingly.

  2. The allocation of burden of proof of the authenticity of bank card. In the case of cloned bank card, the depositor can fulfill the obligation of burden of proof as long as he can prove that he is in possession of the bank card when the deposit is withdrawn by others. In defense, the bank must prove that the bank card held by the depositor is forged, otherwise, it should be held liable for the breach of contract for the monetary loss of the depositor. ATMs and the computer system on bank counters should be able to identify the bank card. If the forged bank card can finish a transaction through the bank computer system, there are two possible explanations: first, the bank card technology is so poor that the bank card can be forged easily; second, there are significant flaws in the computer system of the issuing bank. It is unacceptable that the issuing bank can't verify the authenticity of the bank card. Because ATMs and computer system can't verify the authenticity of bank cards, the payment is made to the criminals who hold the forged card. But actually, the original bank card as the evidence of the savings contract isn't used in the transaction, so the transaction can't be said to be made between the bank and the plaintiff. The commercial bank is deceived by the criminals with the forged bank card. The issuing bank needs to be liable for the corresponding loss for it fails to fulfill the obligation of repayment. Since most of the business transaction data of the banking transaction is stored in the bank and controlled by it, the bank is in an absolutely dominant position in the transaction. Particularly the bank has more access to the evidence, so it is more capable of presenting the evidence to prove the fact than depositors. Therefore, in the trial of the case, for the sake of protecting the weak, the judge may exercise his discretion to allocate the burden of proof mainly to the bank.

  Ⅳ.Civil procedure and criminal procedure

  After the bank card is swiped illegally by another person, if the bank refuses to pay the stolen fund, the depositor can directly bring a lawsuit against the bank for breach of contract, requiring the bank to pay the stolen fund without having to wait until the end of the criminal case because the fund in the bank card being stolen and the bank card being stolen are two independent cases involving criminal and civil legal relationships respectively. In criminal legal relationship, the depositor requires the bank to pay the stolen fund based on the savings contract, which has nothing to do with the criminal case. When the depositor requires the bank to pay the stolen fund, he actually requires the bank to fulfill its contractual obligation, so the bank can't refuse to fulfill the obligation because of the criminals. Therefore, banks should fulfill the obligation of keeping depositor information secure, establishing a secure savings and withdrawal environment, and improving the transaction procedure. At the same time, depositors should take good care of their own bank card account and password. If the bank card account and password are leaked to others because of the intent or gross negligence of the depositors, so that criminals take the chance to fraudulently swipe the bank card, the depositors should be liable for this.

  Ⅴ. Suggestions for the banks

  It can be seen from the above analysis that in the case of cloned bank card, the principle of strict liability is adopted in the establishment of banks' breach of contract, so banks shall be fully liable for the damages when they fail to prove the fault on the side of the depositors. With the development of hightech criminal means, banks are facing increasing risks, which brings new security issues to their operations. Then how can banks prevent such risks?

  Firstly, banks should attach great importance to the existence of such risks, raise awareness, and strengthen security measures. Only by realizing that this kind of criminal behaviors will surely bring about the risks of paying the damages of depositors, can banks take more comprehensive and effective measures to ensure the fulfillment of the contractual obligation of safeguarding security and notify depositors of security measures when they handle bank card transaction, so as to safeguard the information security of depositors and prevent risks.

  Secondly, banks should fulfill the contractual obligation of safeguarding security, and take various measures to effectively prevent the suspects from achieving their goals. First, banks should strengthen the supervision of ATM safety management. As the banks' service equipment, ATMs shall provide secure services for the depositors. Banks are fully responsible for providing secure service environment of ATMs. The insufficient management and supervision of ATMs by the banks makes it possible for criminals to install equipments on ATMs to steal bank card information of depositors. Second, banks should make use of advanced technological means to enhance prevention technology of identifying the authenticity of bank cards. Due to the lack of secure and effective preventive technology, the banks fail to identify the authenticity of bank cards, so that customers' deposits are stolen. If the electronic banking system or bank counter staff can identify the authenticity of bank cards, it will effectively prevent such disputes from occurring.

  Thirdly, banks should establish a sound system to prevent and mitigate risks. For example, the establishment of a sound and comprehensive ATM transaction risk reserve system and bank liability insurance system can spread risks and reduce losses. Risk reserve system is a means to enhance the banks' capacity to fight against operational risks in banks' financial work. To enhance the banks' ability to resist ATM service risks and ensure the continuity of ATM services, the banks should withdraw and use ATM risk reserve based on business characteristics and financial rules. In addition, bank liability insurance is another important means to compensate for bank losses and transfer risks. There are some unavoidable risks in ATM business. Liability insurance can effectively resolve and transfer risks.

  Finally, banks should improve technology and actively popularize financial IC cards. Financial IC card is a bank card with a chip as the medium. All the information is stored in an encrypted chip. This kind of cards are less dependent on communication networks and can handle offline operations, so they greatly improve security in the use of bank cards. Besides, they have a storage function. It's unlikely to decode and replicate them. Financial IC cards can fundamentally improve the security of bank cards. The practical experiences around the world indicate that after financial IC cards are popularize, cloned bank card cases have dropped significantly.

  (Translated by Zhao Hongfang)